The Oceans: Above and Below
Captain Lada Simek will share information learned in his over fifty years of diving in the Long Island Sound and throughout the world. His presentation will include tips on how to breathe and survive under water, fascinating photographs of the oceans from space and living creatures thought to be extinct, the effectiveness of adaptive camouflage, why fish can breathe water and you cannot, and viewing actual specimens, some of which would cost a million dollars to replace. Registration begins May 19 via the library's Web site.

Date and Time
Thursday Jun 2, 2022
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM EDT
Thursday, June 2, 2022, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Hendrick Hudson Free Library
185 Kings Ferry Road
Montrose, NY 10548
Contact Information
Hendrick Hudson Free Library
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