OZ on Stage- Frank and The Women of OZ
Calling all Mothers, Grandmothers, and women of all ages! Come one and all to The Paramount in Peekskill to celebrate L. Frank Baum Week. Who is Frank? L. Frank Baum, born May 15, 1856, is the writer of the Great American Myth, “The Wizard of Oz,” and thirteen additional OZ books! Why Peekskill? Frank came to the Peekskill Military Academy as a youth, and at a later age, he came back to Peekskill’s Palace Theater to preview and perform a musical production of “The Wizard of OZ.” Frank was an incredible storyteller with stories reflecting the impact of certain very strong women in his life. Yes, Frank put powerful women into his books at a time when women in our country did not have a voice of thier own. Marcy B. Freedman, creator of “Frank and the Women of OZ,” will be sharing the story of these women in a 3-part, multi-media performance event. Attendees will experience music, dance, and slide projections, as well as one Frank’s stories in action. Original music will be presented by “Skin Against Metal,” and Mary Sofianos will thrill us all with incredible dance moves to honor many of th women in Frank’s stories. The Wiz Kidz, aged 7 to 10 year old, will perform an original scene that they wrote and developed, inspired by OZ. In short, L. Frank Baum lives on today! Thanks to a group of talented performers, we can all travel down the Yellow Brick Road, where Dreams come true! Let’s remember these words: To OZ… On Stage! *As a reminder, no outside food or drink permitted in the venue. Any patron found with outside alcohol, is subject to removal.
Date and Time
Sunday May 7, 2023
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM EDT
Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 3 PM
Paramount Hudson Valley Theater 1008 Brown St., Peekskill, NY 10566
Contact Information
914-739-0039 ex.2 boxoffice@paramounthudsonvalley.com
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